I leave and heave a sigh and say goodbye. goodBYEEEEEEE!

The last weeks in Utah were wonderful. I spent most of them finishing up my internship with the Sundance Resort. Trent finally defended and passed his thesis and is an official Manufacturing Engineering Masters Graduate!


Here he is practicing and waiting the morning of. He doesn't even look nervous!

And of course we celebrated with food. These noodles can be found at Shabu Shabu house. HIGHLY recommended.
One of the last weeks I surprised Trent with a play day. We exhausted ourselves horseback riding and pottery making at the Sundance Resort. I had actually received vouchers for the activities due to my successful internship and was so excited to finally experience the resort from a guest's perspective :)

Surprised Trent!

Watching the professional glassblowers and relearning how to use a pottery wheel. Did you know both Trent and I used to make pottery? And Trent used to blow glass!

Super proud of my creations 
 By my last week in Utah, I was starting to get sentimental and, of course, this meant I started visiting my favorite restaurants haha. Here are just a couple of the places I visited:

La Dolce Vita
Trent and I took one last walk through BYU and found the place where we met. I <3 libraries="libraries" p="p">

Our last week, we were surprised with the unexpected death of Trent's Nana, Melva Sorenson. We then attended her funeral which was very lovely. She was a wonderful lady who loved lace, porcelain dolls, her family, and the Gospel. I was so grateful we were still in Utah and able to attend the service as well as be with family.

Finally, our last couple nights, we had a goodbye concert with my band at Kiwanis park (just across from our place), and said farewell to our close friends. I'll sure miss them all!

Miss this bestie already

So we did it. We left everything we are familiar with and moved to start, well, LIFE. I literally cannot believe school is over and Trent and I are facing this grayed, unknown, suspenseful chapter. Sometimes I feel like I just want to close the book and read someone else's to get some sort of direction for my future. But like the great shrink from No Reservations once said, 

"It's the recipes you create
yourself that are the best."

There you have it. BRING IT ON!

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