Del Rio, Texahhhhs! New place, same furniture

Zeusy got used to the drive
long drive with our super 90's sunglasses

We made it! We are now officially Texans for the second time. Two Saturdays we made it to Del Rio and boy is it far away from San Antonio. I'm already aching for the city life. But at least we have a good house and a Walmart.

smiling with the avocado at Walmart
Our house is right next to lake Amistad. The lake doesn't look like much right now since they've let a lot of the water out for irrigating. Apparently, Del Rio has been in a drought. We thought this was pretty crazy considering it's a desert.

Lake Amistad

The first week being here the sisters in the ward had a Valentine's luncheon at this gem of a restaurant. Bit of a change from the Northwest Asian food I've been spoiled with.

Trent and I moved into a duplex and are saving TONS of money because of it. But the place didn't have a washer or dryer. We really didn't want to spend a lot of money on them so we searched Craig's List. All we found was a guy selling them for $300 for a set. Sounded amazing!!! We went to his house to pick them up and right away we knew it was sketchy. He had washers and dryers scattered all around his front porch with a truck, van, and sedan parked in the lawn. I wish I had a better picture! But anyways, after some light fixing up, we're pleased to say the appliances serve their function :)

Our first weekend in Texas we went to the San Antonio Stock Show and Rodeo. It's the biggest rodeo in the world. Figures right? Everything's bigger in Texas. We went on the picture day. It was super sunny and warm outside. The rodeo has a concert after the competition and Lady Antebellup played. I seriously was in heaven.

Trent was pretty happy too because he let me get a cow hide rug!

 Last night we went to our first Mexican fiesta in Acuna. They threw it to welcome Trent to the factory. Fabulous food and even better company. Meeting these people made me much more happy to be in this small town.

 And last but not least, here are the pictures of our new place. It's certainly smaller than our other place but I think it's perfect for us. It fits our furniture perfectly and gives a real cozy, small city charm.

new rug whaaaat!?!

our backyard home to about seven deer (more pics to come of our new pets)

Front yard. The freeway to the city is right over the hill.

our neighbors grill. Hopefully we'll be able to borrow it a couple times.

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